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Tango Rotando
In Sweden at the end of the 19th century, various kinds of larger associations arose, people gathered around to get involved politically, get involved in the free church, get involved in culture, temperance, etc. You usually talk about the 19th century as the time of the great popular movements, with examples such as the labor movement, the temperance movement, the free church movement and the sports movement, and later the homestead movement. The labor movement and the temperance movement in particular became involved in the leisure time of their members. For this purpose, special Folkparker or People's Parks and Order Houses were built. Later, the idea was also added that larger meeting places could be built in the form of amusement parks. The first people's park that was established by the labor movement, was Folkets Park in Malmö in 1891. Parks then emerged in Helsingborg and in Lund in 1895, in Ystad in 1896, in Trelleborg in 1897 and in Lomma 1898.
During the following fifty years (around 1900–1950), people's parks also began to be established in rural areas. The number of people's parks grew considerably and was found almost everywhere in the whole country; at most 256 parks in the late 1950s.
The people's parks were now not only found at the working communities and in the cities. At traditionally used party places and at several major crossroads in the middle of the forests, dance floors and more were built. These dance places were often in a circular shape and therefore called “rotunda”.
The fact that people's parks became so widespread in Sweden has several different reasons. One of the bigger reasons was that entertainment establishments were heavily regulated until the mid-1950s. You were not allowed to arrange dances and serve liquor at the same time. Alcohol sales were carefully regulated. So no alcohol was served inside the people's parks, but they were often alone in organizing dances for the public. It still didn't prevent drunkenness and fights in the people's parks from time to time because people brought bottles from home. During the 1940s, it was the so-called "dansbaneeländet" (the dance debacle) a hot social issue with the priest Gustav Grände at the head as the driving "guardian of morality" against the people's parks, which were said to lead to a sinful life.
Dansrotundan in Lomma
The Dansrotundan in Lomma was built in its current form in the early 1930s when a roof was built over the dance floor and later toilets and a wardrobe were also added.
During the 1950s and 1960s was Dansrotundan, or “Suset” as it was popularly called, one of the most popular dance halls in Scania. It was known, among other things, for its dance floor which was much appreciated.
The Dansrotundan is used today as an exhibition space, dancing and other cultural events.
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